
Rider Education
When endurance riders converge on a camp site it is often said that we form a sort of community. We refer to those who are parked next to us as our “neighbors.” This is usually a good thing with a gathering of friends who will loan you a can opener or agree to wake you...
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Submitted by Katie Navarra EquiMed-Horse Health Matters Trail riding provides horse owners an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and an opportunity to experience the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape. Embarking on a trail ride can be purely recreational, a break from training, or a competitive endeavor. As with any horse-related...
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As you well know, a horse must have a certain level of fitness to perform well and endure activity without injury. This is true whether competing at a high level or merely enjoying occasional trail rides. Proper conditioning is a gift you can give your horse to ensure physical and mental health and well-being. The...
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The information found on the SEDRA Riding website, is provided for entertainment and educational reference only. SEDRA Riding and South Eastern Distance Riders Association (SEDRA) does not specifically endorse or recommend any organizations, companies or individuals referenced on the SEDRA Riding website. SEDRA expressly excludes liability for any damage, loss or injury that may be suffered as a result of information or opinions expressed our website.

SEDRA was established in 1984!