
Distance Riding
I wondered why somebody didn't do something. Then I realized, I am somebody. — Source Unknown
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The broadest, and maybe the most meaningful definition of volunteering: Doing more than you have to because you want to, in a cause you consider good. - Ivan Scheier
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Trail Workdays, Rides or Clinics!  Interested? Need Volunteers? We can help spread the word! If your organization, association, club would like to participate in our program, we can advertise your trail workdays in our newsletters, web site calendar and social media!. You do not need to be a member of SEDRA to participate, everyone is welcome!...
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Getting Started: Tack and Equipment( Saddle Fit, Bridles, Bits, Hackamores, Breast Plates and Cruppers); Conditioning (Learning to Pace, Other Advice), What to Pack..
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Our first BOD meeting of the year was well attended and full of positive energy. Changes approved included a new web host.  Our ad hoc committee interviewed 2 hosts that committee members were comfortable with and who were willing to provide the services we really needed. In the end, TCMC Interactive was awarded the contract...
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As the new President of SEDRA, I have a desire to make a positive difference just like those before me. Our annual meeting and awards banquet was well attended and as always, full of fun and lively conversation. All the proposed rule changes were voted in, new BOD members have accepted their positions and all...
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Learn about this historic, progressive trail ride that traces the route Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce took while fleeing from the U.S. Cavalry in 1877,
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Active Lifetime Mileage Achievements and Awards included!
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For horses covering long distances, the management of metabolic health is of the highest priority.
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Monday, February 8, 2016 by Christoph Schork They can be seen everywhere, the most unbalanced hooves, long toes, underrun heels, high heels, flares, you name it. It is truly amazing that horses with neglected hooves can sometimes bring superior performances to the table, while I would not even have given them credit for being able...
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The information found on the SEDRA Riding website, is provided for entertainment and educational reference only. SEDRA Riding and South Eastern Distance Riders Association (SEDRA) does not specifically endorse or recommend any organizations, companies or individuals referenced on the SEDRA Riding website. SEDRA expressly excludes liability for any damage, loss or injury that may be suffered as a result of information or opinions expressed our website.

SEDRA was established in 1984!